Alaska Hunting Schedule
Hunting in Alaska can be a wonderful time in a beautiful place. The hunting seasons are broken up by the kind of animal being hunted and its specific locations. Although, most seasons begin in August and end in October, some stretch into the winter months. Others, like bear season, can be found in the spring or fall. Some locations with large animal populations can be permitted all year, as long as local subsistence needs are being met. Be sure to check for a specific location’s hunting regulations before going to hunt any animal in Alaska.
Here is a general guide and timeline for hunting in Alaska:
January: Obtain new hunting licenses, bear tags, and nonresident big game tags are needed.
February: Be sure to plan your trip ahead of time, call for information if needed. This is when Drawing and Tier II permits are awarded.
April: Most spring bear seasons are open while the Alaska Board of Game prepares regulations for the next hunting season.
July: Obtain all new harvest tickets and hunting regulation booklets that are available as the regulatory year begins.
August—September: This is the begin of most fall seasons such as deer, caribou, moose and dall sheep. Be sure to obtain harvest tickets and registration permits for all big game hunting. Also, don’t forget to fill out and turn in all harvest reports 15 days before the close of the season.
November: This is the beginning of some late winter moose seasons and Tier II and drawing permit materials are available November 1st and are accepted only through mid-December